Then we had three great days here. Tuesday saw 20 keen quilters come along to talk "Colour and Numbers" they all learnt loads and we enjoyed the time learning, questioning drinking coffee, eating biscuits and chatting a smashing way to spend a few hours.
Wednesday saw six complete beginners join us here for the day, they all had a good time and by the end of the day had completed a cushion.
Then came Thursday we had our "Quilters Angel Protector of all things unfinished" Twelve quilters worked hard all day long with just a break for lunch, everyone enjoyed the day and some (the one's who were able) are coming back this week to finish off. Look out for pics of the finished hangings.
Thanks for looking in at what is happening here.
Pat you have again given your quilters many projects from which we can achieve enjoyment (maybe with a little unpicking). Thanks M